The real value comes from within not from outside!

Recently, on a well-known professional network platform, I encountered a person that told me “you don’t have anything of value unless others are decided that is worth it”. Imagine that I was outraged until I saw that he was a CEO of an Investment Fund. I have replied to him that is sad he things one should wait the validation from outside while the real value come from within. I know that he was conditioned (by his profession) to think in this way but nevertheless he (a well over 50 years of age) is representative for the corporate max profit oriented. The shareholders interest used to justify measures that have poisoned countries and destroy human life is all over the globe. When I say human life I’m including the flora & fauna, as we are all linked with ties that, hopefully, will become more obvious for all.
Some people must realise that there are no walls thick or high enough to shelter them from the global problems (either we are talking about socio-economical or environmental issues, mostly created by the rush for profit with any costs). There is no castle that cannot be conquered - history or the current migration waves are teaching us that.
I told him that my time or one’s time (for that matter) is the only true value that must be spent wisely as is non-renewable. Also I told him that will come a time when “time is money” will be painfully acknowledged as being only a one way saying: you always can buy money with time but not the other way around.
Such individuals are only wolves in sheep's clothing that brought the world economy in the current state, where the money are fabricated from thin air and the fake value is worshiped.

“One could have a rock and treasure it while other will ignore a mountain”.
Talking about human evolution / survival, I guess that there are people that prepare (digging in) for the global crash. Also I’m thinking that we may well be the descendants of those who survived to a global cataclysm (thousands years ago) and the question is: did the wicked or the enlightened ones survived?

Disclaimer: please excuse the inherent mistakes in the text (grammar and/or typing error), as my focus is on expressing the ideas.


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