Imposed/advertised values! (fake values in my opinion)

This is an old theme and it’s referring to the values promoted by the mainstream media.
From buy that:
  • Car:
o   Fancy (that will attract look on the street),
o   powerful off road or
o   electrical (dishonest called green transportation vehicle),
  • Home:
o   luxurious villa,
o   fancy apartment in a nice neighbourhood or
o   even an off-grid home.
  •        Clothes 
  •        Gadgets
  •        Etc.
  •        The best way to work is …,
  •        The best way to be fit is …,
  •        Etc. 

World is a market where many are shouting their outputs and sadly, the ones that shout louder have more success. If you want, is similar with the saying “history is written by the conquerors”.

Well, there were very few things in the human history, that were done without thinking outside the box.
Also, the known history is teaching us that, along the years, there were many trends regarding fashion and life/societal behaviours.
For a youngster it is hard (nearly impossible) to distinguish between what does or what does not really matter. So that’s why they are easy/cheap to buy (despite the usual rebellion), to enlist in any organisation. On the opposite side, is it easy to label the more experienced employees as burned out, rather than not that enthusiastic or receptive to the same propaganda.

In the meantime, everyone wants things to be done faster and cheaper while caring (culture) about the well-being of the people is mostly a front-page advertisement. I see, from many years now, that no employer is realistically acknowledging that the commute costs (time and money) in this "we care about the employee" equation. On most of the brain farms, the diversity and inclusion works as long as you confine yourself in the "designated box".

Actually, the duality life/work is deliberately tilted to the work side. These days people spend more time for work than for their own personal life. Either they acknowledge this or not, any employer wants a dedicated/loyal employee who rather live to work and not work to live.

And now, for closure, we end up to the core of this imposed/advertised but fake values (in my opinion).
Tell or train people to want what you give them, so they will part of your plan or desired life cycle.

Disclaimer: please excuse the inherent mistakes in the text (grammar and/or typing error), as my focus is on expressing the ideas.


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