The chase for high fast profits in the aviation industry!

What was happening with Boeing is just a symptom of these times. The ever-growing production fuelled by the fierce competition which is fuelled by the shareholders which are fuelled by the craving for fast high profits (putting dollar over piles of dollars) is depleting the natural and human resources while killing directly and indirectly thousands of people.
Was pointed to the fact that the software was done by low paid workers somewhere in Asia (India I think) but was not said that those people (as low as they are paid) are worked almost like slaves. This is just the tip of the iceberg. While moving to the East, where the workforce is cheaper, the companies also increase pace – asking more in the same unit of time.
What is at the core of this:
·         the competition between companies;
·         which is driven by the profits;
·         which is driven by the never-ending hunger for more and more profit.

I think that is time to stop and rethink the bases of the economy. Competition is good as long as it does not kill. Strong regulations must be conceived and implemented and followed to the letter.
There should not be a surprise when the pharmaceutical and food industry will follow by generating similar stories. There are so many additives / chemicals fed into us that will take a while until the true effects will become undeniable.

Disclaimer: please excuse the inherent mistakes in the text (grammar and/or typing error), as my focus is on expressing the ideas.


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