(Big) city life!

This summer, as usual in the last 3 years, I have spent my time back home (Romania) with my family. Since I have relocated in UK (January 2016) I cannot say that I had more than 1 week (in total) of normal holiday – involving “seeing / visiting new places”. I have spent my leave with my family either back home or here in UK.

This summer I did ride my motorcycle back to Romania where I plan to relocate until springtime. During this trip I had the opportunity to see how crowded are the motorways near big cities and, subsequently, how many resources are spent by people commuting to work (across Europe). This is an approach that must be stopped if is hope for cleaner air and more quality time with our families. In my opinion, remote working must be the first option “on the table”.
Across organisation is published the “do I need to travel – to do the trip for that meeting”; “can be done remotely “via Skype, email, phone”? This is while, daily, thousands are commuting to office, “doing that work-related trip”, spending between 1 hour and 3 hours on the road. Imagine a world where going to the office is not a daily chore but a weekly of bi-monthly activity.
A world where people are brought together by ideas not by cars, busses or trains. A business where the teams are using the same works schedule or project execution plan, rather than the same room or lounge/kitchen area.
It is way cheaper and faster to transport information than people – so let’s do real business in the 21st century.
Often, we are saving our work on servers situated on the other side of the world so why we should be tied up to a designated office. If the grid (internet and/or energy/electricity) goes down, does not matter where we are as the work will halt. It is not better to have resources spread rather than concentrated?

Doing the things in the same manner just because they worked in the past, is no more an option. Who is not truly moving forward and use the 21st century technology, is prone to extinction.

  •          World is changing,
  •          Weather is changing,
so the way in which resources are used are changing too!

A society that hope to endure the changes and will have a future is the one who:
  •  On one find and use cleaner renewable energy sources and
  •  Finds means to reduce the energy consumption on the other hand (more advanced technology and, as important, new work culture - which must be significantly different from the pattern used in the 19th century).
Disclaimer: please excuse the inherent mistakes in the text (grammar and/or typing error), as my focus is on expressing the ideas.


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