
Showing posts from July, 2019

Commute costs!

Unable to pay for the commute  !?!? The above example is targeting London but let’s be honest and admit that the problem is world wide spread issue. The “brain branches” ( the ones using computers and internet to create value ) of our global economy could and should break apart from the mainstream policy. This is an economical aspect of the employee cost that no employer is taking seriously. Ask every employer that you could find, and you will see that no one is truly consider the commute as an expense (time & money) for the employee. If is to say the employers prefer the most efficient way to have people/employees “ living in dorm like buildings over the street from the office / work pl

(Big) city life!

This summer, as usual in the last 3 years, I have spent my time back home (Romania) with my family. Since I have relocated in UK (January 2016) I cannot say that I had more than 1 week (in total) of normal holiday – involving “seeing / visiting new places”. I have spent my leave with my family either back home or here in UK. This summer I did ride my motorcycle back to Romania where I plan to relocate until springtime. During this trip I had the opportunity to see how crowded are the motorways near big cities and, subsequently, how many resources are spent by people commuting to work (across Europe). This is an approach that must be stopped if is hope for cleaner air and more quality time with our families. In my opinion, remote working must be the first option “on the table”. Across organisation is published the “do I need to travel – to do the trip for that meeting”; “can be done remotely “via Skype, email, phone”? This is while, daily, thousands are commuting to office, “doi

Diversity and inclusion!

All over the place people / organisations are talking about climate change , carbon footprint , diversity & inclusion , but sincerely I do not see a significant action plan. my type of inclusion and diversity = Inca wall that is very strong and earthquake resistant…. I am from a seismic area of the globe this is what I understand as diversity & inclusion as an overall implemented model. The weather is giving us warnings and the way in which we (the governments) are behaving is a indication of the system weaknesses. We see that does not take much to produce a serious imbalance of the society and we are still continuing to do, as whole, the same things that we did in the past half of century. We are talking about 5G and autonomous vehicles but in the same time we are sticking to squeeze people/brains/personalities in centralized (physical) offices. I’m not talking here about the small steps taken in the renewable energy, waste management and electric v

Network of networks!

It all started due to the fact that my personal life is in a severe imbalance with the professional one. I have started to look closely on the current socio-economical pattern according to which our society works (in the Western World at least). The result is that I am in the middle of a struggle with the old established business model that, in my opinion, is no longer feasible. M8 motorway (Glasgow area) is a constant traffic jam during the critical hours of the day. I saw the same issue in other parts of Europe while travelling back home. In order to keep the momentum, a company should be truly open to a flexible work approach and remote working. Technicians / engineers should be allowed to work from abroad on UK (or worldwide) projects, there are few aspects that could be mentioned:           I know that there are Global Design Centers to do the bulk of the work, but I must bring into attention the idea of network of networks . We must acknowledge that we are applying