Regarding the Ukraine situation 

I am from this "neck of the woods", near Ukraine, and yes, the red army and the USSR did some bad things around here. Still, the current situation deserves attention as it's not as Western powers portray it. Along the history many world powers made or dismantled governments outside their borders in order to achieve control over certain resources situated in those particular countries or to simply generate conflicts to turn the electorate attention there and boost their own war industry. In how many countries USA, UK and others "put their tails in". How many "revolutions" were created (not sustained) through foreign intervention. I, already have a point of view regarding "petro-dollars" wars.

Russia is no saint but neither the others. Control the information and counter-information and you will win the war.

Through world powers, I mean the ruling class there (those 1% existing everywhere) which "educate" the voters through main mass media (1) while "un-educating" them through education system. This podcast, "Socrates’s or not" ( make my point about voters that shouldn't vote due because they are not able to distil information fed to them through main channels.

Now, someone (from US) recognized (ironically) "what can we do, if they (Russia) put their country's borders near our military bases?!"

Other facts are:

  1. Russia is the biggest country on earth.
  2. Russia has a lot of resources for which others crave.
  3. Having an "enemy" it's good both for political class and the economy controlled by them (or industries that own the political class). I call it the political class but this seems to be only a façade.
  4. The war on resources started centuries ago but now is accelerated by the population increase. The 1% of the 1% know the rules of the game and they play it accordingly.

Having more and more "subjects to maneuver" (workforce to control) it's difficult or, even dangerous. It's like having a bigger herd for which you need more dogs or shepherds in first instance. In second instance, there are more brains which could spark dangerous ideas (for you) and those ideas could spread on a higher number of individuals. Those individuals could look over the fence and see (1) the greener pastures to which they don't have access (because the shepherd doesn't allow it) or (2) the slaughter houses.

The fact that the majority of the “negotiations” are held in a “bigger brother” manner (as in the past), come to confirm the centuries old defect (in the lack of a better term). No one ask the “smaller entity” where the conflict is, what actually the issue is. The bigger “fishes” talk among themselves while the “boots on the ground” (the ones who fight, suffer or dies) are mainly informed not consulted.

Yes, the first victim of war is the troth.

Still, when was the first shot fired, by whom against whom? Why was the first shot fired? Who is here and shouldn't be? What do you want and why?


Disclaimer: please excuse the inherent mistakes in the text (grammar and/or typing error), as my focus is on expressing the ideas.

