Sustainable way in mobile phone industry: great (not original) idea (Shiftphone and Fairphone) that needs to go further

A metallic frame is desirable for two reasons. (1) Less plastic and (2) less plastic. Metals are more durable while not leaking chemicals. Less plastic = less dependence on fossil fuels. We see consumerism at its peak in the car manufacturing industry where, despite the fact that the technology is so advanced, the amount of plastic used in the constructions process is tremendous high. "The engine is still working ok" but most of plastics used are literally decay around you. Let's make a product that will last a life time (or as much as possible) as our needs aren't that different in regards to transportation, data management, appliances, etc. If we are not doing that, the amount of garbage that we produce will bury us.

I like to work on my bike and, generally working with machines (entry level stuff, not car mechanic thing) and I must tell that I wish they last forever but the thing is that we have gaskets everywhere. Well gaskets made from rubber and some plastic are mandatory for the reasonable current level of technology.

There are quite intricate engine elements that are cast in metal (usually aluminium) and the reason is due to the high stresses and temperatures they need to cope with. Now, looking on the other areas of industry, I see that the majority of pieces (some of them with intricate shapes) are made from plastic. I see that as an easy / cheat way of doing things. That’s because plastic could be molded / injected easily in intricate forms / shapes as cheap as it could be. Meantime, the lifespan of those pieces is way less due to plastic decay (especially due to UV light). At the end of the day we have cheap stuff and a lot of garbage in the long run. Shall I mention the impact on health (in general) and in our future. We hear “save the planet” shouted all over the place, while the reality is that the planet was here way before and it will be here long after we will be gone due to our own stupidity.

Disclaimer: please excuse the inherent mistakes in the text (grammar and/or typing error), as my focus is on expressing the ideas.


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