Working from home – reloaded

I will start his with the link below:

I am mentioning this as it seems that the status quo representing by the almost-mandatory presence of employees in the centralized office is not aligned with the innovation diversity & inclusion, reduced carbon footprint, energy efficient and so on - advertised. The other day somebody said something about unleashing the/your creativity … but it seems to me that many companies are stuck in a work pattern (factory like) from the 60’s.
We are talking about 5G internet speed and autonomous electric vehicles, but we aren't willing to challenge the impracticability’s of the day to day life. As I commuted for several years, I end up seeing that there is problem that needs to be addressed at the core of how businesses are organised. Way too many people travel to work (centralised offices) in the era www.

8 hrs x 5 + 1.5hrs x 5= 40+7.5 => only 40 hrs in the weekly Time Sheets.

  • Shall we talk about the amount of carbon/energy that is spent by each and every one of us just to be present at the office?
  • Shall we talk about the so-called green travel represented by the cyclists that are “swimming” in the pool of car fumes?
  • Shall we talk about the time spend with showers and preparation for office by the cyclists? – time that is added to the overall amount spent in the office rather than with the loved ones (see the caring culture).
Regarding that Personal Security – outside the office, my goal is to make the remote working the norm rather than the exception. Those “travel safety plans” are only required for employees traveling (mainly) “from the office to the site”. No one is considering the time spent by each employee on commute (which is a shame, to call it nicely, in the caring culture that is advertised).

Regarding that, I think that (until then) we should take steps and replace the current laptop backpacks with ones that do not “screams – it’s a laptop in here”. Having a backpack that display a well-known IT brand it’s not a good approach in any case.

Yes, by nature of my profession, I want to build more roads, bridges and related structures but I do believe that we have much more to build than that, while our resources are dwindling (including the available space disputed between industry and agriculture). The number of cars is increasing by the day as well as the population. Our society/economy must mature and move away from a century old business system.

Business as usual is the most detrimental approach which is in total contradiction with affirmations that underline the creativity in everything you do, new solutions and so on.

The advertised inclusion & diversity does look more like integration of the diversity in a Borg style. Many employees, like myself, are relocating due to economic reasons and the results of uprooting are taking their toll. Is this really a diversity inclusion or is more like an integration? Most of those that relocate in from different country, have already a big part of professional background acquired, have their local network established (professional and personal). Through the relocation process, a certain amount of stress and definitely losses are produced. Regarding the productivity (so important to any individual and business – because is the word which tickle the employers), can someone really tell, which are the results? One can argue that the need of production process control is requiring that all the teams be physically under watchful eye of the leadership. Well, "hell is the absence of reason" somebody said and there are products (generic term), both physical and intellectual, that are cross-created, and cross-delivered across the world. The only thing that matters for the end client is the cost and quality.

These being said, there is a big world with diverse people and specialists in all the industries. It is not better to access the global knowledge/expertise wealth, through internet rather than stagnating in the old approach of concentrating people in physical offices.
Again, people should be brought together by ideas not by cars, trains or busses.

Disclaimer: please excuse the inherent mistakes in the text (grammar and/or typing error), as my focus is on expressing the ideas.


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