
Regarding the Ukraine situation  I am from this "neck of the woods", near Ukraine, and yes, the red army and the USSR did some bad things around here. Still, the current situation deserves attention as it's not as Western powers portray it. Along the history many world powers made or dismantled governments outside their borders in order to achieve control over certain resources situated in those particular countries or to simply generate conflicts to turn the electorate attention there and boost their own war industry. In how many countries USA, UK and others "put their tails in". How many "revolutions" were created (not sustained) through foreign intervention. I, already have a point of view regarding "petro-dollars" wars. Russia is no saint but neither the others. Control the information and counter-information and you will win the war. Through world powers, I mean the ruling class there (those 1% existing everywhere) which "educat

Sustainable way in mobile phone industry: great (not original) idea (Shiftphone and Fairphone) that needs to go further

A metallic frame is desirable for two reasons. (1) Less plastic and (2) less plastic. Metals are more durable while not leaking chemicals. Less plastic = less dependence on fossil fuels. We see consumerism at its peak in the car manufacturing industry where, despite the fact that the technology is so advanced, the amount of plastic used in the constructions process is tremendous high. "The engine is still working ok" but most of plastics used are literally decay around you. Let's make a product that will last a life time (or as much as possible) as our needs aren't that different in regards to transportation, data management, appliances, etc. If we are not doing that, the amount of garbage that we produce will bury us. I like to work on my bike and, generally working with machines (entry level stuff, not car mechanic thing) and I must tell that I wish they last forever but the thing is that we have gaskets everywhere. Well gaskets made from rubber and some plastic are

More remote working = less travel = less crowding in the busses & trains = less people in the same place = less diseases spread

Did anyone think about the way in which the flu/cold season is taking speed? Yes one could say that the passing between the seasons is weakening our immune system and so, we are becoming susceptible to common diseases. Can we stop for a moment and think about the meaning of quarantine from the perspective of remote working as a norm not as an exception? Regarding the waste of energy and the contradiction between the centralised offices and the common-sense health considerations, below are two aspects: ·          natural light ·          fresh air One thing that hit me today was the amount of “window space” for each employee working on a centralised office. This mean that in a sea of working stations (desktops = furniture) only a few benefit of the sun while the rest remain dependant to the artificial light. As this isn’t enough another aspect of big offices is the centralised climatization that is in opposition with the so called obsolete “open a window for fresh air”. So

More remote working = less travel = less pollution = less global warming

"Hell is the absence of reason", somebody said. I relocated to an office in another country, just to spend >90% of time at a desk, rarely seeing what I designed. I am open to travel but, let’s face it, 90% of the delivery process is done at a desk in front of a monitor and those could be anywhere in the world. The inclusion & diversity will truly work by allowing people to work and deliver their brain power from a familiar environment. In my case, I just changed one desk with another, 3200 km away from my life. As a result I'm struggling with depression. We are talking about unleash your creativity while the work pattern/policy demands people to be tied to an office and to slightly modified 9-5 pm work day. We are talking about reducing our carbon footprint while > 70 % of employees commute because they either cannot afford buy a property in the city – near the office or they want to have a garden and be closer to nature => they are forced to move f

Working from home – reloaded

I will start his with the link below: I am mentioning this as it seems that the status quo representing by the almost-mandatory presence of employees in the centralized office is not aligned with the innovation diversity & inclusion , reduced carbon footprint , energy efficient and so on - advertised. The other day somebody said something about unleashing the/your creativity … but it seems to me that many companies are stuck in a work pattern (factory like) from the 60’s. We are talking about 5G internet speed and autonomous electric vehicles, but we aren't willing to challenge the impracticability’s of the day to day life. As I commuted for several years, I end up seeing that there is problem that needs to be addressed at the core of how businesses are organised. Way too many people travel to work (centralised offices) in the era www. 8 hrs x 5 + 1.5hrs x 5= 40+7.5 => on

Do you have what it takes to survive the next economic depression?

The first rule of survival and thrive is team. I am coming from Eastern Europe and I see how much the Western world empowered the self-reliance (single people and divorce) inside the society and how much people here are reliant on "the grid". Yes, there are some “partners” but there are also a lot of single parents or people that are not in a long-term relation. During my childhood, my grandparents didn't have electricity and we carry water from the well. Food was cooked on the stove (mud bricks stove) and the fire was with corn plant sticks - that, the year before, were fed to the cows - to eat the dried leaf. You could say that my grandparents (god rest their souls) lived off grid and their day to day (normal) life was planned a year in advance (taking care of the livestock and the crops). They were working as a team and the love and happiness came second. These days (I'm divorced) I see that the women empowerment is going much farther than the real means to cope

Unleash your creativity!? “This is important because to unleash innovation and meaningful results, you need room to make bold decisions, test and learn from mistakes, and importantly have the support of your team. As technology moves faster and market conditions change, we’re fundamentally a stronger company because we care about each other and the work that we do. We care about getting it right for our partners our consumers and our employees.” Sadly, seems that it takes more courage (than initially thought) for a company to truly embrace the technological innovations. Most or them are overwhelmingly stuck in 9 to 5 pm (nu matter how flexible they advertised to be) & 5 days / week. People are still tied to one particular desk in a particular office. Even when you put the economic aspects in the equation, still the employers are reluctant to change. The costs implied by the work-related commute are growing in direct proportion wit