
Showing posts from February, 2022
Regarding the Ukraine situation  I am from this "neck of the woods", near Ukraine, and yes, the red army and the USSR did some bad things around here. Still, the current situation deserves attention as it's not as Western powers portray it. Along the history many world powers made or dismantled governments outside their borders in order to achieve control over certain resources situated in those particular countries or to simply generate conflicts to turn the electorate attention there and boost their own war industry. In how many countries USA, UK and others "put their tails in". How many "revolutions" were created (not sustained) through foreign intervention. I, already have a point of view regarding "petro-dollars" wars. Russia is no saint but neither the others. Control the information and counter-information and you will win the war. Through world powers, I mean the ruling class there (those 1% existing everywhere) which "educat